We are supplying Technical Teaching and Research Equipments for universities, technical colleges, research center and vocational institute of Edibon International and others principal.
EDIBON during more than 30 years has designed and manufactures more than 3000 Technical Teaching Units in most Technical Areas.
1. Established in 1978. Madrid. SPAIN.
2. We supply our Technical Teaching Units all over the world.
3. All our customers are satisfied.
More than 3000 Technical Teaching Units and 2800 different Software Packages in most technical areas, as: Physics, Electronics, Communications, Electricity, Energy, Mechatronics & Automation, Mechanics & Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics & Thermotechnics, Process Control, Chemical Engineering, Food and Water Technologies, Environment…
1. Design, manufacturing and commercialization of Technical Teaching Equipments
2. Installation, Starting-up, Training and Technology Transfer
3. Design of complete laboratories
1. ISO 9000: For Design, Manufacture & After Sales Service
2. OHSAS 18001 Certificate:
3. ISO 14000
4. The Worlddidac Quality Charter Certificate.
5. European Union Certificate
6. United Nations Certificate
Research & Development:
Design and manufacture:
1. All Units (Mechanics).
2. All Electronics (Interfaces).
3. All Software Packages.
4. All Manuals.
Edibon can offer the proper financing facilities for any particular case, by using
1. Grants
2. Soft Loans
3. Commercial Loans
4. Barter etc.